Category Archives: Blog entry

My cycling obsession

When my employer convinced me to start cycling to work, I expected to save some money and perhaps drop a kilo or two from around my middle; I didn’t expect it to take over my life.

And yet here I am staring at my new bike, the second one I’ve bought in as many years, a bike for which I’ve paid an astonishing £1000. Morning, noon and night, cycling is all I think about. I care more about bicycles now than I do about computers—And I’m a geek. Gigabytes, megapixels, flash memory have no meaning to me at all. I don’t give a crap about anything Slashdot, Cnet or Wired have to say and I don’t early adopt things that start with “i” anymore. “Triple butted steel frames” and avoiding “Chain suck” are more important to me than what some stupid iphone app can do. I talk about bicycle components like my wife talks about cheese on toast; All drooly and moany, stifling the urge to climax mid-sentence. I’ve actually referred to a pair of clipless pedals as “sexy”. How did this happen?

I blame it on the fact that I’ve never really been cool. In grade 10, a guidance counsellor gave me one of those tests that decide what job you should do by asking you a number of inane questions like:

In your spare time, do you like to:

a) Hit nails with a hammer
b) Dissect things
c) Work on your car or
d) Write computer programs

Then, after a lengthy delay spinning the ancient IBM’s cooling fan at Mach 2 and sucking so much power it made the office fluorescents flicker, it would spit out the job I was meant to do for the rest of my life. The fact that I was more interested in the algorithm the computer program was using to extrapolate the results than I was in the results themselves had given the counsellor more than enough info he needed, but he waited patiently for the computer to finish its work, regardless. There it was in dot matrix black and white, “Computer graphics designer”. This was in 1989; they barely had computer graphics back then; it could only have been a nerdier result if it spit a pocket protector out of the floppy disk drive.

This is why, after 35 birthdays and 10+ years doing nerdy web programming, the idea of speaking intelligently about proper cool things with proper cool guys is very appealing. Cool guys with tattoos, chin beards and metal things in their faces; guys who wear shorts to work. When I took my first bike in for its six month service, a bike mechanic said, “Damn, this bike gets RIDDEN!”; It made me feel like a proper man, it did. I felt like replying with a “FUCK YES!” and an aggressive pelvic thrust.

They know exactly what they’re doing. I pander to their coolness just like I did with the jocks in junior high, simply repeating what they say back to them to cover up the fact I had no idea what they were on about. “Oh yeah, Vince, I totally know what you mean… Joe Montana was, like, way overrated, that erm other guy was a much better Wide End”. Being a nerd was tough, we didn’t have Wikipedia back then.

Cool bike shop guys can sense my nerdiness and they work it to their advantage. They pretend I’m part of their cool cycle GANG to sell me things. “Oh yeah, those drivers, eh? What a bunch of pricks! Not like US cyclists, eh? Heh heh. By the way, have you seen the new carbon fibre whatsit mcdoodle? It will totally change your life!” Last time I came out with 10 pouches of this weird purple goo. I have no idea what it’s for; I think I’m meant to eat it.

When I first started cycle commuting, I didn’t get the whole cyclist versus driver thing. I felt like I would be the one to bridge the gap between drivers and cyclists. Tutting other cyclists who didn’t stop for red lights, Stopping for cars at unmarked intersections (No, after you mate, please) and wearing baggy shorts over my spandex to shield the drivers from my gyrating Johnson.

It didn’t last. Getting consistently honked, shouted and driven at by the motoring public has changed my mind. Last week an idiot in a Mondeo actually tried to punch his middle finger through his own windshield at me. He was so furious, words had escaped him; he could only scream maniacally like Dawn French at an empty Chinese buffet table. My crime? Standing still waiting for the light to change.

It’s not just drivers cyclists hate, cyclists hate each other as well. God save you if you’ve bought the wrong bike.

At my work bike racks, someone had done this to one of the bikes:

gay bike

Is it the white seat? The paint job? The brand? Who knows.

To avoid being mocked by other cyclists, I made sure I visited the internet bike forums before I made my purchase (did I mention I was a geek?). The bike I purchased was rated as “cool” by the cool bike people on every site I visited. However, when I put a photo of my bike on these same sites, it was called “lame”, “nerdy” and “old mannish”. How could this be?!

They explained that simply buying a cool bike is not cool enough. You need to cool it up yourself in order to avoid being called names by other cyclists. I did everything I was told to do (bar one). Look at the two photos below of my bike. Can you spot the 8 differences between the Super cool bike and the Massive idiot bike as pointed out to me by the cool bike people? Two hints: 1) Many of them are unfairly difficult to see and 2) Pairs of things (like the fenders) count as “2”.

Comparison between cool bike and horrible bike

If you can figure them all out you (like me) are very sad. If you figure out the final thing I was advised to do, but didn’t, you should seek professional help.

Other magazine

Other magazine logo

Quick post…

Apparently I am a contributor for this new and funky Mancunian magazine called Other, just as soon as I figure out something to write for them. ( I created a video  imitating (ie: taking the piss out of) British regional accents, but didn’t send it because it was just plain awful. Possibly the most unfunny thing in the world.

P.S. How many bloody comments do they get on their articles?! They’ve only just started.

The thought process of one undecided voter

It’s voting day tomorrow and I’m still not sure who I’m going to vote for. I’ve watched the debates, I’ve read the manifestos,  I’ve tweeted. The only thing I know for sure is that I’m not voting for the Tories or for any of the single-issue parties.

In the Tory manifesto, they mention freezing public sector pay and capping public sector pensions. They’re also in favour of cutting government contributions to Universities. Basically, voting Conservative would be voting for my own redundancy. I’ve already been made redundant once recently, it’s not fun. Plus, David Cameron’s face is all waxy and he hates gays.

The Greens, UKIP, SNP, Plaid Cymru and the BNP et al all preach about having a robust platform, but seriously, how much do the Greens really care about fixing the economy? Broke people make great environmentalists because they can’t afford to be wasteful; The better off people are, the more likely they are to drive V12 Jags and turn their thermostats up to 100. A good economy means I don’t get made redundant again, see above paragraph.

UKIP want out of Europe, I don’t, The SNP and Plaid Cymru want out of Britain and I don’t want to let them go and the BNP want to kick out all the brown people. I have no desire to kick out the brown people; however, if the BNP offered that £50,000 to WHITE Britons to go back to their “countries of origin” that they say they’d offer to non-white Brits, I’d at least go “hmmm” for a second before slapping myself in the face. Fifty large will buy a lot of Kraft Dinner, and watching Hockey Night in Canada every Saturday again might be ni… *SLAP* *SLAP*. Whoa, that’s better, thanks slapping hand.

So that leaves Labour and the Lib Dems.

The environment

The Lib Dems are big on tackling climate change, but they don’t want to build nuclear power plants. This sounds great in theory, but I think we’ve already discovered how keen the British public are to make sacrifices in order to save the planet. The gas shortages Britain experienced last winter have proved that the days of “putting another sweater on” are well and truly dead. Also, you need look no further than the rooftops in your neighbourhood to see how committed we are to solar panels. Until they make Sky satellite dishes out of solar panel glass,  like it or not, nuclear power plants are the only way to quickly cut carbon emissions. Labour are (bravely) pro-nuclear and have made Britain the biggest user of offshore wind generated energy in Europe. They are also committed in their manifesto to making Britain carbon-neutral by 2020. That’s good enough for me.

Labour 1 – Lib Dems 0.

Family values and Community service

Both Labour and the Lib Dems parp on incessantly about more support for “the family” and encouraging people to get more involved in their communities. I am the lazy, male half of a DINK relationship who has no intention of helping the public with anything. Unless battering littering chavs with the cans of Tennants Super they toss on the ground counts as community service, the community can (in the words of Bart Simpson) get bent.

Labour 1 – Lib Dems 0


Nick Clegg owned Cameron’s and Brown’s asses in the debates, Brown has that creepy smile and that weird eye. Clegg is prettier, however, he has that really unpleasant voice like he’s speaking through a trumpet mute and his hand gestures are annoying. Brown bitched out that horrible woman in Rochdale which was a major plus, but then he went snivelling back to her. And smiled again.

Labour 1 – Lib Dems 1


Labour are rubbish at fighting crime. House break-ins are rampant, The Asbo program is a joke, and ID cards? Fuck. Right. Off. The Lib Dems say almost nothing in their manifesto about fighting crime, but they would have to give out free hand grenades to Abu Hamsa supporters and the IRA to do a worse job at fighting crime than Labour.

Labour 1 – Lib Dems 2

The Economy

This is a toughie. Everyone loves Vince Cable, and the Lib Dems are the only party who have published where they’ll make cuts and I agree with many of them, including ditching the Trident system. Brown’s bank-love definitely contributed to the recession, but take yourself back 5 years; remember when you got that dodgy mortgage by putting no money down? I do. There are many horror stories out there, but most of us still have those houses; had it not been so easy to get a mortgage, I’d probably have been renting this whole time and would now have nothing to show for it.

Gordon Brown got me on the property ladder, and really, has the recession been that bad? Yes, I do go on a bit about being made redundant, but to be perfectly honest, I got another job fairly soon after. In fact, my life has changed very little as a result of this recession and that is because of Brown’s bailouts. Fact.

Labour 2 – Lib Dems 2


Nick Clegg’s wife is really hot and she wants nothing to do with politics.

Labour 2 – Lib Dems 3


I hate Yellow.

Labour 3 – Lib Dems 3

The Lib Dems are exciting and new, but Labour have experience, Nick Clegg is youthful and energetic, Brown is thoughtful and pragmatic, Clegg has better hair, Brown has better suits. I could go on and on, but I cannot decide between the two. Do I plump for old faithful, or do I go for radical change?

Frankly, I wish they’d just hurry up and form that coalition, it’d be one less thing to worry myself with.

New Banksy piece in Manchester?

Saw this image this morning on my daily cycle commute along the Bridgewater canal. I am no Banksy aficionado so, for the moment, I’m going to call this a Banksy-esque image. You can decide whether it’s legit or not. It’s probably not.

Probably not a real banksy 1.

Probably not a real banksy 2

The one thing I do know is that this was not here yesterday so if it is real, I must be 1 in about 12 people who’ve seen it, which is kinda cool.