Tag Archives: polari

Bits and bobs

Hugh Howey

Ok, just a few things.

  1. Sorry for the lack of posts in here. The book has kinda taken over my life, I will try to rectify that in the future.
  2. My other blog site robcutforth.com is still hacked and still pumping out garbage. There is nothing I can do to stop it. If you subscribe to that blog, please delete your subscription
  3. There are reviews forthcoming for the book. Creative Tourist, Leftlion magazine, Northern Soul and a few assorted environmental campaigner types are reviewing it. I will post them here when I get them.
  4. I am writing for Creative Tourist again. Here is the first bit of non-fiction I’ve done in awhile… readers of my Leftlion column will recognise the style 🙂 Polari Mission at the John Rylands

Got a nice message from the uber-famous Hugh Howey in response to putting him in the back of my book.

"Rob, what an honor, man. Thanks for the kind note. And I love the acknowledgement. Not dirty words indeed.

Best of luck to you with your work. Keep writing, my friend!


So that’s quite cool. If you don’t know who Hugh Howey is, he’s basically the biggest selling self-published guy going. He’s sold millions of books and the film rights to his book Wool have been bought by Ridley Scott. Not like he needs any more help, but if you haven’t read Wool, you should. It’s immense. Industrial Revolution would not have been self-published if it hadn’t been for him. I’ll let you decide whether that’s good or bad.

If you are reading this and have a blog or a magazine or whatever and want a free copy of the book to review, email me at robcutforth [AT] gmail [DOT] com. Be honest, I can take it!

I promise I will write more in here once all the book stuff dies down!