Category Archives: The Podcast

The end of all things – The podcast. Reviews, Interviews and other literary guff

Episode 5 – The Kevin Bacon of the NW writing scene


In the Christmas episode, Rob talks to Publisher/editor/writer/MA tutor/fine hat wearer, Nicholas Royle, about short stories, getting published, Doppelgangers, Bad sex and (weirdly) The Smiths.

Special appearance by shit Parkour artists.


Namechecks: Michael Marshall Smith, Tom Fletcher, Alison Moore, Stephen King, Comma Press, Salt Publishing, Keiren Devaney, Stephen McGeogh, Ron Butlin, Kerry Hadley-Price, Ian Parkinson, John Oakey, Joe Stretch, Literary Review

Episode 4 – The P Word


Rob gets poetry schooled by Ella Gainsborough and Kieren King, the people behind Evidently aka Salford’s best poetry night. They, along with poet Jack Dixon talk Prison poetry, tapping that sweet poetry coin and math rock. Photo credit: Guy Garvey.


Namechecks: Monkeypoet, John Cooper Clarke, Guy Garvey, Big Charlie Poet, Trevor Meaney, The Eagle Inn and MacGuffin.

Episode 3 – David Gaffney and Clare Conlon


In this podcast, Rob talks to the nicest (and certainly most well turned out) couple in the Manchester Literature scene, David Gaffney and Sarah-Clare Conlon. They discuss Les Malheureux, Clare’s literature night Verbose, David’s latest projects (including a trio of novels… exciting!) and using music and graphic art in your on stage reading. They also get into what makes a good short story, what it’s like having your partner critique your work, and… oh yeah, coffee tables.

Listen to it immediately. And why dontcha subscribe while you’re at it? See that little musical note thingie up by my horrid face? That’s the itunes logo. CLICK IT.


At the end I talk about an article the author, Adrian Barnes has written on the Daily Beast entitled My Cancer is as Strange as my Fiction.

If you are a writer in the North West of Engerland and want to be on it, email me or tweet me @endofallpodcast


Episode 2 – Nija Dalal-Small and Fat Roland

fats and nija

What makes for a good performance? Is the Manchester literature scene too cliquey? Is it too white and mannish? But most importantly, Is blogging dead?

Fat Roland (Bad Language, the UK’s best literature night) and Nija Dalal-Small (The Real Story and In the Dark) weigh in.

Listen to it immediately. Oh yeah, and subscribe why dontcha? See that little musical note thingie up by my face? That’s the itunes logo. CLICK IT.


If you want to be on it, email me or tweet me @endofallpodcast


Rob Cutforth, Kate Feld and Abi Hynes

Episode 1 – Kate Feld and Abi Hynes

Kate Feld and Abi Hynes (I call her “Abi Faro” in the podcast because that’s what her twitter handle is) are Manchester writers who host the popular Live Literature nights The Real Story and First Draft in Manchester, UK. They talk to Rob about Feminism, Sex, Performance and trying to eke out a living as a writer in the 21st century.

This podcast was recorded on the roof of the Manchester Literature Festival the 17th of October 2015. It’s the first one, so all comments or questions are welcome.

Here, let me get you started:

Question 1: Why does the beginning bit sound like Rob is recording from the inside of a baked bean can?
Answer: Erm… it’s art?

Question 2: Why does Rob sound like an even camper Greg Proops?
Answer: Fuck. You.



Do you want to be in the next podcast? Tweet me @robcutforth

The End of All Things Podcast

Starting in November, The End of All Things will be devoted to podcasting.

I have been quite mean to the six or seven of you who still read this blog by ignoring it completely. You don’t deserve it. We’re really good mates, you and I. Obviously, by “You” I mean “the ether” and by me I mean “My online persona”. Haha, just kidding, I’m not clever enough to maintain an online persona. The crotchety old goat you see writing these actual words is the same one who tortures his wife with angry rants about the awful world that is Great Britain. Jesus H, why do I live here? Just look at it outside.

Basically, I’ve been putting all my funny shit on twitter instead of this blog because I have almost a whole five hundred people reading what I write there where I think my biggest tally here was 146. I totally just made that number up.

Anyway, two things have happened since I spoke to you last… no wait, three.

  1. My book was a terrible failure.
  2. I have joined a proper writing group.
  3. I am, at the age of 40, doing an MA in Creative Writing. “But I thought only cunts did MAs in Creative Writing?” I can hear you say. Well, I can tell you from actual experience, that that it is not the case. I mean some people who do MAs in Creative Writing are cunts but not all. In fact, I’d say the majority are of the non-cunt variety. I will let you decide which one I am.
  4. I have replaced the ability to count with appalling profanity.

So yeah, look forward to a podcast on short fiction, long fiction, creative non-fiction, performance and all other things writery. The first one will include an actual critique of my own writing from some truly mean people and an interview or maybe even two from writers who know what they’re doing.

I have bought a microphone and everything. I promise it won’t suck.